Become a Sponsor
As an institution you have the opportunity to sponsor ARNA and help out your employees (to become members or attend the conference) in several ways.
Non Profit Sponsor | $500
- One complimentary conference registration
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution) through end of conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
Conference Sponsor | $750
- One complimentary conference registration
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution) through end of conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
Institutional Member sponsorship | $750
- 5 individual memberships to ARNA (one year duration)
- 5 discounted registrations to annual conference (member rate)
- Logo on ARNA website
- Logo on conference signage
Both Institutional + Conference | $1,200
- Combines all benefits listed above for Institutional & Conference sponsor
Friends Level Sponsorship | $1,500
- One complimentary registration to annual conference
- 6 individual memberships to ARNA (one year duration)
- 6 discounted registrations to annual conference (member rate)
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution)
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
- Logo on conference signage
Bronze Level Sponsorship | $2000
- Two complimentary registrations to annual conference
- 7 individual memberships to ARNA (one year duration)
- 7 discounted registrations to annual conference (member rate)
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution)
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
- Logo on conference signage
Silver Level SponsorshiP | $3000
- 3 complimentary registrations to annual conference
- 8 individual memberships to ARNA (one year duration)
- 8 discounted registrations to annual conference (member rate)
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution)
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
- Logo on conference signage
Gold Level Sponsorship | $5000
- 5 complimentary registrations to annual conference
- 10 individual memberships to ARNA (one year duration)
- 10 discounted registrations to annual conference (member rate)
- Logo on ARNA website (linked to your institution)
- Logo on conference materials
- Logo projected on screen throughout conference
- Logo in conference proceedings (published online)
- Logo on conference signage