May 16 @ 9:00 AM - May 17 @ 5:00 PM EDT

THE ACTION RESEARCH NETWORK OF THE AMERICAS 2025 HYBRID ANNUAL CONFERENCE welcomes you to Puerto Vallarta! Get ready for a hybrid gathering of like-minded individuals passionate about making a difference through participatory action research.
The 2025 ARNA conference focuses on the use of the arts as a form of communicating and making meaning throughout the participatory action research (PAR) process. In order to take action and effect change, participants will contemplate this concept and consider the role that visual, lyrical, and performing arts can play in creating action research questions, involving community, documenting and analyzing research findings, and/or exploring creative ways to present participatory action research findings. Based on the presentations and events at the two day conference, participants will investigate opportunities to learn and engage in the arts as elements of action with their potential of influencing individuals, communities, and policies in the future.