Knowledge Democracy Updates, Events, and Progress with the Initiative

Assemblies for Knowledge Democracy   |
Conversations are ongoing regarding the convening of Assemblies around the world. For further information please contact Lonnie Rowell at

Knowledge Democracy Dialogues

  • Latin America Dialogues on Knowledge Democracy
  • Knowledge Democracy Initiative Global Group (KDIGG)
    • KDIGG is developing and piloting formats for global dialogic encounters in conjunction with other action research networks, including CARN and the Swedish Participatory Action Research Community (SPARC). For further information please contact Carmen Martinez-Vargas.

Social Publishers Foundation (SPF)
In partnership with ARNA, pomoting web-based publication of practitioner research, action research, participatory action research, Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) and Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR).

  • See On Knowledge Democracy section of the SPF Knowledge Base
  • See Reflective Essays on the 2017 Cartagena Assembly for Knowledge Democracy.

For questions about publishing with SPF, please contact