Pre-Conference Events | June 12, 2017
Pre-Conference | June 12, 2017
ARNA’s 5th Annual Conference, jointly organized in conjunction with Universidad Nacional de Colombia, features nine pre-conference workshops offered as a part of the 1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy (GAKD). The Global Assembly will take place in parallel with the three-day ARNA-UNAL Conference and will help lay a foundation for ongoing global dialogue regarding the decolonization of knowledge and the establishment of knowledge democracy tied to alternative globalization and equitable social progress. The workshops are facilitated by people involved in a variety of approaches to action research, practitioner research, and participatory research in general. Workshops will be in Spanish and English with translation assistance available.
All June 12 workshops will take place at the Universidad de Cartagena. For additional information please contact Aneesha Bhogal at . Workshop space is limited, with most workshops set at 25 participants. All participants must register in advance. There will be NO workshop registration on-site. Registration includes a small fee for materials and lunch, with payment in advance required.
To sign up for a pre-conference workshop, visit
The pre-conference workshops include (Alphabetical order):
Action Research and Early Childhood Education: The 4th CARN-ARNA Study Day | Full Day Workshop/Site Visits
Facilitators: Luvy Vanegas-Grimaud, Early Childhood Educator, University of California, Berkeley, CA, US; Una Hanley, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, ENG & Member, Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Coordinating Group, UK; Mina Kim, Associate Professor, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, US; Luz Miriam Capero, Professor, University of Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia.
ARNA and the Future of Action Research in the Americas | Half Day Workshop
Panelists/Facilitators: Joe Shosh, Professor & Chair, Department of Education, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US; Chair, Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA). Holly Marich, Professional Development Regional Coordinator, Northeastern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program, Reno, Nevada, US; Ph.D. student, Michigan State University. Miguel Ángel López Montoya, M.D.A.E., Investigación Educativa y Formación Docente, Universidad Xochicalco, Mexicali, MX; Coordinator, ARNA en Espanol. Javier Arriaga Reynaga, Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Innovation, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, MX
Building Knowledge Democracies in Education | Half Day Workshop
Facilitators: Lonnie Rowell, President, Social Publishers Foundation; Coordinator,
ARNA Knowledge Mobilization; Associate Professor, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA, US. Eunsook Hong, Professor Emerita, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Secretary/Treasurer, Social Publishers Foundation, La Mesa, CA, US. Andres Martin, Ramona Unified School District; Board Member, Social Publishers Foundation. Fabiola Bagula, San Diego City Schools; Board Member, Social Publishers Foundation.
Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Community Empowerment in Community Health: A Skill Building Workshop on Action-Reflection Praxis | Full Day Workshop
Facilitators: Nina Wallerstein, Professor, Director, Center for Participatory Research, Univ. New Mexico, US; Laura Chanchein Parajon, Medical Director, AMOS Health and Hope, Nicaragua; Martha Lucia Gutiérrez Bonilla, Profesora Ciencia Política, Univ. Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia; Leandro Giatti and Renata Ferraz de Toledo, Professores, Promoção de Saúde, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil; Noelle Wiggins, Multnomah Health Department, Oregon, US.
Dilemmas Café: Solution Focused Co-Labouring | Half Day Workshop
Facilitators: Tina Cook & Toby Brandon, Northumbria University, Newcastle, ENG
Living Theory Research in an Ecology of Knowledges | Full Day Workshop
Facilitator: Jack Whitehead, Visiting Professor, University of Cumbria, UK
Networks and Knowledge Democracy | Full Day Workshop
Facilitators: Christine Edwards-Groves, Senior Lecturer (Literacy Studies) & Key Researcher, Research Institute for Professional Practice Learning and Education, Charles Sturt University, AUS; Co-Chair, 1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy. Peter Grootenboer, Associate Professor, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, AUS. Karin Rönnerman, Professor, Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Participatory Research Methods for Building Peace | Full Day Workshop
Facilitators: Leaders from the Peaceful Process of Reconciliation and Integration of the Alta Montaña from El Carmen de Bolívar will facilitate the session, including: Dionisio Alarcón, Hernando Melendez Gonzales, Glenda Jaraba. Also facilitating will be Accompaniment Worker Larisa Zehr and PhD candidate Angela Lederach (Anthropology and Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame).
School, Community and University Collaborations and Convergences for Social Change | Full Day Workshop
Facilitator: Bruce Damons, Director, Centre for Community Schools, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa and Liliana Chaparro, Polyphonies Research Group of Community and Popular Education, Bachelor in Community Education, National Pedagogical University.