Tutorials and Workbooks
Interactive Action Research Tutorials
These tutorials are offered by the Center for Collaborative Action Research and are freely available for anyone who wants to learn more about action research. The intention is to make learning about action research a self directed activity and then save group or class time for discussion of the action research plans of the people involved. Many of the activities have templates and these 26 activity templates can be downloaded individually, or all files can be accessed as a booklet.
» Download the Individual Format
» Download the Booklet Format
Action Research Guide
The Action Research Guide was originally produced to encourage and support those who had expressed an interest in undertaking action research. Since then, many ALs have completed their action research enquiries and provided us with feedback. We have updated the Guide in response to this feedback and have included some examples of ALs’ projects and quotes from their reports.
Action research and Evaluation Online, is a 14-week public course offered twice a year as a public service by ALARA, the Action Learning Action Research Association Inc. Individual sessions are briefly described below. (For a more detailed description see the fourth orientation file, click here). There are four orientation sessions and 14 sessions that can be accessed online.
AERA American Education and Research Association, Action Research Special Interest Group
The Action Research SIG (Special Interest Group) of AERA has been working hard to develop the community of action research within AERA, the world's largest association of educational researchers. ARNA has been working closely with the AR SIG to extend the reach and connectivity among action researchers throughout the America's.
CARN Collaborative Action Research Network
The Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) can be thought of as a Big Sister of ARNA. Established in 1975, CARN has been a guiding force in the development of action research in Europe and other parts of the world. The CARN web site is:
The Latin American Center for Service Learning CLAYSS, founded in 2002 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, contributes to "the growth of a fraternal and participative culture in Latin America through the development of educational social engagement projects". The CLAYSS website is:
Journals, WEB resources and Books
i.e.: inquiry in education
A journal of the Center for Practitioner Research at National Louis University; an open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal, published twice per year.
The Canadian Journal of Action Research
An online, free access, peer-reviewed journal for elementary , secondary, and university teachers. Three volumes are published a year.
UnBoxed is a peer-reviewed publication of the High Tech High Graduate School of Education, the nation's first graduate school situated in K-12 schools. As always, all content is freely available on their website, where you may also order prints.
Educational Journal of Living Theories
The Educational Journal of Living Theories (EJOLTS) is committed to publishing living-educational-theory (often shortened to living-theory) accounts of practitioner-researchers from a wide range of global, social, cultural and professional contexts. We welcome submissions from all Living Educational Theory (often shortened to Living Theory) researchers who wish to contribute rigorous and valid accounts of their living-theories to improving educational knowledge.
Web Resources
Social Publishers Foundation (Practitioner Research) -
The Public Science Project -
Centre for Collaborative Action Research -
Active Learning: Social Justice Education and Participatory Action Research
Dana E. Write Connecticut College, USA
Surviving and Thriving with Teacher Action Research: Reflections and Advice from the Field
Heather Lattimer and Stacey Callier (Eds)
Series: Education Psychology, Vol.33
Designing Inclusive Pathways with Young Adults: Learning and Development for a Better World
Judith Kearney, Lesley Wood and Richard Teare
A Participatory Paradigm for an Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education: Action Leadership from a South African Perspective
Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Lesley Wood and Ina Louw
Professional Learning in Higher Education and Communities: Towards a New Vision for Action Research
Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt, Margaret Fletcher and Judith Kearney
Indigenous Ways of Knowing (IWOK) References and Bibliography