Invitation to ARNA Counseling and Counseling Psychology Professionals who might be  interested in writing a chapter for a book, tentatively entitled, Confronting structural and cultural violence: Counseling professionals’ testimonios of positive peace work

Hello! We are seeking to identify counseling and counseling psychology professionals that are interested in writing a chapter for a book we are co-editing tentatively entitled, Confronting structural and cultural violence:…

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TALKING LOCALLY, CONNECTING GLOBALLY An opportunity to network with action researchers from around the world! Our 2024 online conference is taking shape, and we invite you to join the Conference…

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JOURNÉE Florence Piron Day

Bridging Open Science and Local Knowledge Nukskahtowin at the Athabasca University, in partnership with the Association science et bien commun and the UNESCO Decade for Indigenous Languages, invites paper submissions…

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PAR FEM Trailblazers – Season 2, Episode 3

Dr. Carolette Norwood / Dr. Thembi Carr In this episode, guests Dr. Carolette Norwood and Dr. Thembi Carr talk about putting Black Feminism into practice using community-based participatory research in…

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