Posted Oct 04, 2023
Participatory Action Research – Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers Podcast PAR FEM Season 2, Episode 2 - October 1, 2023
Mary Brydon-Miller and Miriam Raider-Roth
Nurturing Relational Action Research Enclaves

Find additional information at
Email Host Patricia Maguire with comments or questions
Up Next –November 1, 2023 – Season Two, Episode 3
Dr. Collette Norwood and Dr. Thembi Carr – Black Feminist PAR for Reproductive Justice
Posted Sep 16, 2023
Participatory Action Research – Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers Podcast
PAR FEM Season 2, Episode #1 – August 31, 2023
Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, & Kavita Naidu
EcoFeminist Participatory Action Research and Planetary Health
We’re kicking off Season 2 of PAR-FEM with Dr. Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, and Kavita Naidu!! They discuss their EcoFeminist participatory action research (EcoFPAR) paradigm. EcoFPAR combines climate justice, social activism, and Feminist Participatory Action Research for the interconnected planetary health and well-being of humans and more-than-humans. EcoFPAR addresses the rights, agency, and voices of nature.
The conversation starts with their journey into PAR, feminism, and climate justice. They discuss EcoFPAR projects in the pacific region and Australia, including the ethical and safety risks when women engage in FPAR. They explore learning from Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous researchers, and Indigenous cosmologies. They examine what reconceptualizing FPAR as EcoFPAR means for training and conclude with encouragement for activist-researchers.
Dr. Naomi Joy Godden is the Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow and senior lecturer at the Centre for People, Place, and Planet at Edith Cowan University in Bunbury, Wardandi Boodja, Western Australia. Naomi has 20 years of experience in community development and Feminist Participatory Action Research or FPAR for Social and Ecological Justice. She's the co-founder and chair of Just Home Margaret River, a grassroots organization for housing justice.
Trimita Chakma is a feminist researcher and human rights advocate for the Indigenous Chakma Hill tribe of Bangladesh. For over 12 years, she has advocated for women's rights and collaborated with hundreds of grassroots activists across Asia, the Pacific region, and Africa to utilize FPAR tools on issues such as climate justice, labor, migration, land rights, and economic justice. She's a member of the Kapaeeng Foundation, a human rights organization for the Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh.
Kavita Naidu is an international human rights lawyer and activist from Fiji. She specializes in feminist climate justice for grassroots women. With over 16 years of experience working in the Pacific, Asia, and the United Kingdom, Kavita has worked at the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development, the United Nations Office of the High Commission for Human Rights, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, government bodies, and the private sector.
Find additional information at
Email Host Patricia Maguire with comments or questions
Up Next – October 1, 2023 – Season Two, Episode 2 Mary Brydon-Miller and Miriam Raider-Roth
Posted April 18, 2023
CJAR and CAARE Call for Submissions
with a Special Issue Focused on School Community Health and Wellness
» Download the full Call for Submissions
WCQR2023: 7th World Conference on Qualitative Research
Posted December 7, 2022
The 7th World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR2023) will be held from 25 to 27 January 2023 in Faro (Portugal) and online. The WCQR is an annual event that brings together researchers from 50+ countries, world-renowned authors, and research groups sharing their experiences in the field, making it one of the most relevant platforms for discussing and disseminating the best scientific production in QR. The WCQR2023 will welcome as keynote speakers Dr. Sophie Woodward (National Centre for Research Methods UK and The University of Manchester) and Dr. Anthony Fernandez (University of Southern Denmark). The program will also include panel discussions, workshops, presentations of accepted works, and many networking moments.
Join us in the wonderful #Algarve or online. Register as a participant and take part in this great event.
Info and registration:
Participatory Action Research - Feminist Trailblazers & Good Troublemakers
Posted August 2, 2022
Listen to our podcast with Renu Khanna, participatory action research feminist trailblazer in women’s health and human rights. Renu talks with hosts Patricia Maguire and Jessica Oddy about her 40-year journey thru participatory training, participatory research and evaluation, and working with a feminist coalition to develop innovative gender transformative evaluation approaches in India.
Renu began using PAR in the 1980’s as part of her work with the Social Action for Rural and Tribal Inhabitants of India or SARTHI. Its overall purpose was to give women a meaningful voice in their own health care. Renu is a co-founder of the Society for Health Alternatives in Badadora India. SAHAJ and SARTHI created feminist-inspired maternal health programs, including the “barefoot gynecologists.”
Renu Khanna has worked mobilizing traditionally marginalized groups in the tribal areas of Gujarat, the urban poor, and on health issues of sexual minorities, people living with disabilities, and adolescents. She has over four decades of experience as a trainer, action researcher, evaluator, and a policy analyst in India.
This is Episode #2 of Participatory Action Research Feminist Trailblazers and Good Troublemakers. The podcast series amplifies the contributions, challenges, and successes of PAR trailblazers bringing feminist principles and ways of being to participatory and action research. See the companion podpage for a transcript and additional resources.
Posted July 14, 2021
In the spirit of CARN, and true to the principles of action research, the design, shape and content of the CARNival is driven by those who wish to participate, and who wish to raise their own voice and that of others. These voices may be interdisciplinary in nature, or come from education, community, health, or well-being settings. All are relevant, and all are welcome.
Posted April 30, 2021
The ARNA community mourns the loss of our own dear member, beloved friend, and colleague Dr. Florence Piron, Research Professor at Laval University, who passed away on April 26, 2021 at the age of 54. Official communication from Laval University is available at The Facebook page where people may leave comments and share memories is available at And finally, the foundation that Florence founded - Association science et bien commun - where people may make a small donation in Florence’s honor if they wish to do so is accessible at .
La communauté ARNA pleure la perte de notre chère membre, amie et collègue, la professeure et chercheure Florence Piron de l'Université Laval. Cette dernière est décédée le lundi 26 avril 2021 à l'âge de 54 ans. Sa notice nécrologique peut être consultée à l'adresse suivante Une version de la communication officielle de l'Université Laval est disponible ici : Une page Facebook permet aux personnes qui le désirent de laisser des commentaires et partager des souvenirs : Enfin, les gens qui le souhaitent sont invités à faire un petit don en son honneur à l'Association science et bien commun que Florence a fondée :
Posted April 28, 2021
Diálogos Latinoamericanos | Un espacio para crear comunidad compartiendo, co-construyendo y valorando distintos saberes. A través de la participación en diversos espacios, buscamos generar procesos de aprendizaje colectivo; su significado, sus lógicas, sus procedimientos, y sus potenciales.
Si quieres que publiquemos alguno de tus trabajos:
The Action Research Podcast!
Posted March 15, 2021
ARNA and the Action Research Podcast are thrilled to announce their new collaboration! Check out the podcast to hear directly from renowned action researchers, learn all about what is going on in this exciting field, and gain insight into the paradigms, theory, and methods of action research!
Listen on Apple:
Listen on Spotify:
Call for Proposals Extended!
Posted February 1, 2021
We have decided to extend the ARNA 2021 Call for Proposals until March 15, 2021. Check out the conference pages for more details.
CARN Hosts Virtual Conference this October
Posted September 22, 2020
Interested in Action Research? Our good friends at CARN are hosting a virtual conference this October 24th with repeat days to accommodate global time differences.
"The good news is that CARN is holding a Virtual Conference to whet your appetite about the theme Raised Voices, which seeks to bring together researchers from education, community work, and health and well-being to focus on action dimensions of research and key issues that underpin our actions.
There will be a 1-day conference on the 24th October 2020, repeated on the 25th, at times which will facilitate participation from across the globe."
For more information, please visit:
ARNA George Floyd Injustice Protest Solidarity Statement
Posted June 4, 2020
We grieve and we stand with our Black brothers and sisters, and all of those who face injustice and discrimination at the hands of privilege, every day. As we write, protests are taking place in cities across the world in solidarity with demonstrations throughout the United States, condemning the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by police in Minneapolis, USA, on 25 May, as well as the recent murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. Indeed, we know that these demonstrations are not simply a response to these three tragedies, but “represent a genuine and legitimate frustration over a decades-long failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system in the United States” (Barack Obama, We also know that police brutality, injustice, and racism do not stop at the United States’ borders, and we stand with members of ARNA who witness physical and structural violence, often perpetrated or at least ignored or excused, by the state apparatus in countries across the world.
New York city activist Michael Crawford, a self-described bespectacled Black gay nerd who grew up in a poor, largely minority neighborhood in Houston, Texas, offers advice to white people wondering what to do during the George Floyd protests: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Your silence will not protect you and it definitely won’t protect people of color.” He recommends that we
- Join the work of vital Black-led and civil rights institutions like Color of Change;
- Share antiracist articles on Facebook and social media;
- Act locally and demand officials hold police departments in your city accountable;
- Read and share the op-ed: "If you're a white person wondering what to do during the George Floyd protests, I have some advice."
- Be a voter by registering, committing to vote yourself, and encouraging friends to vote.
In a May 31 statement to members of the American Educational Research Association, President Shaun R. Harper wrote, “Saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply is not enough. As a community of researchers, we must unite to take bold, evidence-based action that exposes and ultimately ends the catastrophic police killings of unarmed Black people.” Racial discrimination and intolerance are documented all too well throughout the Americas and around the world, and ARNA invites new community-based participatory research efforts to address directly our persistent legacy of racism.
At our annual ARNA conferences in Cartagena, Colombia and San Diego, California, Dr. Michelle Fine shared an overview of the community-based, participatory work of the Public Science Project in New York City, and we hope you’ll read more about their successful efforts at as we co-design and document new peaceful actions in our own communities to confront and combat racism. ARNA encourages each of its members and those whose lives we touch to consider how we mirror the world and what we can each do to stand and call for change. We ask all to recall the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he said “Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.”
ARNA’s Knowledge Democracy team, led by Dr. Lonnie Rowell, invites you to participate in the initiatives of ARNA’s Strategic Priority #1 – Knowledge Democracy and Knowledge Mobilization – as the team prepares to respond to the national emergency we face in the U.S. To contact the team write to
It is time to listen. It is time to take action. It is time to make change.
With all best wishes,
Joseph Shosh, Chair
Adriana Garcia, 2021 Conference Chair
Holly Marich, Memberships & Sponsorships Chair
Nathan Snyder, Treasurer
Rich McPherson, Webmaster
Posted April 8, 2020
As a part of its Knowledge Democracy Initiative ( ARNA has launched a Social Solidarity project using PhotoVoice. The project is taking place online on the knowledge democracy web site ( According to Meagan Call-Cummings, a member of the Knowledge Democracy Initiative Team, and an Assistant Professor at George Mason University, “We envision this Social Solidarity project as a virtual, participatory photovoice approach to gathering photographic and text-based insights from around the world of how people are experiencing and seeing solidarity every day during the pandemic.” While the team welcomes all submissions on this theme, they have announced the following priorities:
- Healthcare, homecare, daycare and all other ‘essential’ workers (e.g. grocery stores, gas stations, etc.) to express social solidarity and to be recognized for their work;
- Critiquing/examining/exposing issues of social isolation and marginalization in relation to refugees and immigrants being contained;
- Expressing concern for people in jails, prisons and other involuntary institutionalization settings, and at the same time, critiquing/examining/exposing issues of invisibility and dehumanization in relation to inmates and the institutionalized in general;
- Expressing social solidarity with patients as they deal with recovery from COVID-19.
According to Call-Cummings, the project addresses the need for development of a social narrative that helps people to overcome the affects of the increased distance, separation, and isolation that come with a viral pandemic. Team members, she explains, “have seen and experienced an increase in social solidarity that defies distance and reaches over and across intersectional difference. We want to celebrate that solidarity.”
To participate, please submit an original photograph that, to you, represents social solidarity in times of social distancing, along with a short (1-5 sentences) description of meaning of the photo for you to . Please post in whatever language is most relevant in your reality. Submissions are posted as soon as possible. For further information visit
Posted March 13, 2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
To ensure the continued health and wellbeing of the entire ARNA community, the Executive Committee and Puerto Vallarta Conference Central Planning Committee have unanimously decided to postpone the 2020 conference to the first week of June 2021.
Additional information is available at
ARNA Executive Committee
Puerto Vallarta 2020 ARNA Conference Central Committee
* * *
Queridos amigos y colegas:
Para garantizar la salud y el bienestar continuos de toda la comunidad ARNA, el Comité Ejecutivo y el Comité Central de Planeación de la Conferencia en Puerto Vallarta decidieron por unanimidad posponer la conferencia 2020 hasta la primera semana de junio de 2021.
Información adicional está disponible en
ARNA Comité Ejecutivo
El Comité Central de la Conferencia ARNA de Puerto Vallarta 2020
Posted February 7, 2020
We are extremely excited to share with you that registration for #ARNA2020 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is now open!
» View the registration page to learn more about pricing, location and more!
Posted December 5, 2019
The November 2019 edition of Action Research Network of the Americas School Leadership Action Research Community Newsletter is now available on our website:
Our second STAR newsletter features three articles that are closely related around coaching, mindset, and action research project ideation. Ferdi Serim's Spiral Learning Model -Support of evidence-based coaching provides a pathway for researchers who are starting their process to think about where they are in their own career trajectory and how doing action research will move them forward. Linda Purrington's article on Developing the central question for guiding action research study provides a context for framing an action research study central question using the growth/learner mindset and a scaffold for developing a breakthrough question. Teri Marcos's Golden is the Topic and Research Question: A 5-Step Process for Applied Culminating Project Ideation provides a process to assist aspiring action researchers to engage their thinking around their topic and research question(s). And much more...
Posted October 1, 2019
After a very successful and inspiring #ARNA2019 conference in Montreal, Québec, Canada this past June, we are excited to begin planning for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in 2020! This of course all starts with a call for proposals. We encourage you and your colleagues to submit an abstract that you think works well within the theme: Co-creando conocimiento, empoderando a la comunidad / Co-creating knowledge and empowering communities.
Submission Guidelines can be found at and your opportunity to submit will be open until March 1, 2020. Once you have reviewed the guidelines, use the linked Google Form to submit your proposal.
We look forward to your submission and seeing you at #ARNA2020 in Mexico!
Posted August 12, 2019
By Kurt W. Clausen
Canadian Journal of Action Research Volume 19, Issue 3, 2018, pages 1-4
It’s amazing how a bright fire, once extinguished, can make everything seem all the darker for a moment. Such was the case with the recent attack on the Tennessee icon of participatory action research, Highlander Research and Education Center.
Back in 2016, attendees at the annual conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) were extended the invitation to take a tour of the Center, and many international visitors were happy to learn of its work and history, dating back almost 90 years. It had originated as the Highlander Folk School, co-founded in 1932 at Mounteagle, Tennessee by the activist educators Myles Horton and Don West, and the Methodist minister James Dombrowski. Highly influenced by the folk school movement of Denmark,Highlander’s mission soon went beyond the bounds of regular adult education...
» Download the full editorial from here
Posted April 4, 2019, 9:44 pm EST
ARNA’s 2016 conference in Knoxville, Tennessee was enriched by its partnership with the Highlander Research and Education Center and its 87-year history of participatory action research and education for social justice and action.
On March 29, the Administration Building at Highlander was destroyed by fire, and arson is suspected. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but many important historical documents and records were lost forever. A “White Power” symbol was found nearby, and investigations are ongoing. Fortunately, Highlander’s Archives in Madison, Wisconsin, are safe.
Those attending the 2016 CARN Study Day at Highlander sampled its unique methodology of participatory learning and change, and others at the conference learned about Highlander’s role in grassroots organizing and movement building, not only in the South but in other parts of the U.S. and the larger world as well. However, Highlander’s remarkable contributions to the Civil Rights Movement, worker education, and multiple other critical social issues were often accompanied by threats to its very existence, including direct assaults on staff and Highlander’s facilities. We are reminded, for example, of the actions taken by southern white segregationists against Highlander’s involvement in the Civil Rights movement, actions that resulted in closure of Highlander and confiscation of its property in Monteagle, Tennessee in 1962. History may have repeated just a few days ago. Included below is a special communication recently issued by Highlander’s leadership.
We don’t know for certain whether or not the tragic fire at Highlander was a result of arson or that the damage was done by hate groups. We do know, however, that hate group crimes are on the rise in America and in other parts of the world. We also know that Highlander has endured such crimes against person and property in the past, and that it will continue in its efforts to bring about social justice, equality and fairness in our diverse society. As co-founder Myles Horton said after the 1962 raid on Highlander by State officials, “You can padlock a facility, but you can’t padlock an idea.”
More information about the Highlander Center is available at New York Times news coverage of the fire may be accessed at
Please help us ensure that Highlander remains a sanctuary for social justice by rebuilding with us through your donation at
John Peters, 2016 ARNA Conference Chair, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Lonnie Rowell, Initiator & Founding Chair, Executive Committee
Joseph Shosh, Initiator & Chair, Executive Committee
Margaret Riel, Initiator & Chair, STAR ARC
Cathy Bruce, Initiator & Coordinating Group
Rich McPherson, Web & Media Chair
Holly Marich, Memberships & Sponsorships Chair
Nathan Snyder, Treasurer
Janel Seeley, Knowledge Mobilization Chair
Posted March 10, 2019, 9:34 am EST
As we continue to accept proposals until April 15th, register now for our 7th Annual Conference in Montreal, Québec, Canada. Hosted at McGill University, our team is working hard to bring to you another powerful conference around the theme of: Repoliticizing P/AR: From Action Research to Activism. We can't wait to see you there and more information about travel and accommodations will be posted shortly.
Register here:
Call for Proposals:
Posted November 26, 2018, 12:27 PM
We are so excited to announce that the call for submissions to ARNA's 7th annual conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada are now open! Please use the Google Form linked here to submit your proposal. We look forward to seeing them!
VISIT for more information on themes and types of presentations.
Posted June 30, 2018, 9:07 AM
» Download Statement [English] [Spanish]
The Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) joins other professional, scholarly and activist organizations in our commitment to just immigration policies, a decriminalization of those seeking asylum and the immediate reunification of immigrant families that have been torn apart at the border. ARNA is gravely concerned about the state of the more than 2300 children who have been separated from their parents and remain in custody housed in shelters away from their families.
ARNA stands with those who are deeply concerned about challenges to the health and well-being of immigrant families and the need for developing immigration policies that are humane and in the best interests of children and families. We stand in solidarity with those core values that have developed over the course of our history that respect the dignity and worth of all people and that recognize that our institutions must evolve and respond in ways that maintain what is best in a vibrant democratic society.
Therefore, ARNA joins with civil rights groups and professional medical and educational associations in demanding that these children, parents and other family members be reunited as quickly as possible to minimize any long-term harm to their mental and physical health; and in demanding the decriminalization of asylum seeking. We assert the clear need for children and families to be assessed for and receive any needed mental or physical health care by qualified health care professionals. Furthermore, ARNA believes that a participatory research agenda – shaped by the wisdom, wounds and desires of members of the most affected communities – must be generated to investigate the impact of these policies on immigrant children, families, social workers, volunteers, health care practitioners, and educators. It is important to hold our federal government accountable for the individual, cultural, racial and community level impacts from this failed policy.
Who is ARNA?
The Action Research Network of the Americas is an organization dedicated to advancing knowledge democracy and participatory, action-based research approaches in support of those most in need throughout the Americas and around the world. ARNA stands ready to assist in supporting local, trans-local and trans-national participatory research to investigate the impact of these policies. Our goal in doing this is to provide information to policy makers, activists, community members and young people in the next generation, to document the profound impact of this painful moment in our national history, to honor the struggles of those who worked so hard to seek asylum, to hold government accountable, to teach this history, to liberate buried stories of pain and survival, and to develop informed and humane policies that are aligned with our core values of justice and due process in a democratic society.
ARNA stands firmly beside those who are most marginalized in the Americas even as we continue to fight for our own endangered democracy. Throughout the Americas ARNA members collaborate in solidarity with communities resisting state violence, colonization, and “child snatching” practices.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call Lonnie Rowell at 619-850-5288 or email
Posted June 28, 2018, 8:28 AM
Today is the day! Welcome to all who are joining us in San Diego for ARNA's 6th annual conference. We are so excited to see you all and learn about what you have been doing in your communities of research. Information about presentations, locations, abstracts, etc., can be found through the Conferences page (by clicking the menu above). For quick reference, here are a few important links for while you are here:
Conference Homepage
Make sure to tag us, tweet at us (@ARNAresearch) on Twitter and Facebook, using the hashtag #ARNA2018 while you are here to share your learning! Enjoy your time!
NMSU retired associate professor recognized for teacher education efforts in Mongolia
Posted June 6, 2018, 9:16 AM
Candace Kaye, a retired associate professor in the New Mexico State University College of Education, recently received an honorary doctorate from the Mongolian National University of Education, along with a prestigious award from the Mongolian government’s Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Kaye, who is an affiliated graduate faculty member in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the College of Education, received the recognition May 10 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. From 2010 to 2011, Kaye served as a Teaching and Research U.S. Fulbright Scholar at MNUE’s College of Preschool Education. Since then, Kaye has returned to Mongolia for six to eight weeks annually to teach graduate classes in action research methodology and academic writing for publication; to give lectures and consult on a variety of teacher education topics; and to conduct and publish collaborative research. As MNUE scholars continue to move toward global recognition of their research, Kaye serves as a university-invited mentor for three MNUE-selected scholars to support submission and publication of their manuscripts in highly ranked English-language journals.
Kaye is the first person from the U.S. to receive the honorary doctorate from Mongolian National University of Education, and is the first foreigner to receive the Science Leader Award from the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The award is the highest level of honor given by the ministry. In 2016, she was presented with the National Golden Star Medal by the Association of Mongolian Women Scholars.
“As I say so often since my first visit to MNUE, I have found my heart home here,” Kaye said during her acceptance speech before 100 government dignitaries and MNUE faculty and students. “As scholars and academic friends we share the same goal – to pursue excellence while creating opportunities and making a difference in the lives of our students and also through our own research. This extreme honor inspires me even further to continue to explore opportunities with my MNUE colleagues.”
Established in 1951, Mongolian National University is a public university and is responsible for 98 percent of professional educator undergraduate and graduate programs in Mongolia.
Kaye has authored several articles and books with colleagues at Mongolian National University, including co-editing and authoring two chapters in the recent textbook, “Foundations and strategies and applications for teaching young children with special needs,” published by Mongolian National Press. NMSU College of Education faculty members Lynn Bagwell and Randa Keeley wrote invited chapters for the textbook, which is the first to be written and published collaboratively as a Mongolian-English bilingual publication. It was presented during a national book launch while Kaye was at MNUE this month.
Follow NMSU News on Twitter:
Follow NMSU News on Facebook:
10th Annual Conference for Research in Education
Posted April 12, 2018, 10:47 AM
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We warmly invite you to join us for our 10th Annual Conference, on 27th September 2018, at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire UK. With a focus on Social Justice in Troubling Times, it promises to be a rich and relevant conference, and provide an opportunity for people to engage and debate around this important issue. Social Justice is a broad term, interpreted in many ways, and as such, the conference should be of interest to practitioners and scholars in many practice situations and contexts. We also hope to produce a Special Issue of Educational Action Research which will include some of the conference papers. Details can be found here:
The call for papers can be found here:
We would be very grateful if you could circulate this email to colleagues in your institutions, and your other networks.
Best wishes
Mary and Vicky, Conference Convenors
2018 CARN Conference
Posted March 17, 2018, 8:41 AM
Our good friends at CARN (Collaborative Actions Research Network) are hosting their annual conference from October 25 - 27 in Manchester, United Kingdom. You can learn more about this event through their website at
The Call for Contributions Deadline is May 14th, 2018.
Posted March 12, 2018, 9:28 AM
Register between March 12 and April 9, 2018 to join us in San Diego and be entered into a draw to win a brand new Apple iPad! Winner must be attending the conference and will receive their prize in San Diego.
Participatory Video Festival #1, Ghent, 8-9 May 2018
Please visit the link below, a call for videos for the first edition of the Participatory Video Festival for social sciences, 8-9 May 2018 in Ghent. The Festival’s aim is to push the PV agenda and learn from the most innovative and relevant video-using trends in- and outside academia; in participatory action research, visual ethnography, visual arts, activism, advocacy work and so on.
International Review of Qualitative Research Call for Papers
This is a call for papers for a special issue of the journal International Review of Qualitative Research on the topic of participatory action research (PAR). We are looking for innovative papers that address a broad range of topics focusing on PAR as a research methodology, but including controversies and ethical challenges, social justice issues, work with Indigenous peoples and other populations, PAR in different countries and contexts, and the roles of research participants. Readers of this journal come from a broad range of backgrounds as qualitative researchers and our hope here is to provide them with a sense of the multitude of ways in which PAR is being carried out to address critical problems from around the world. We ask that papers provide a definition of PAR, describe the PAR methods you use in some detail, and show how your work benefits communities and organizations. We ask that you submit a 1-2 page summary of your paper by March 31. Invitations for submissions of full manuscripts will be sent by April 30, 2018 with final drafts due by December 31, 2018.
You can send your abstract/brief paper to Michael Kral at or Mary Brydon-Miller at
Making a Difference: Action Research and Engaged Scholarship in Projects and Innovation
Dear members of ARNA,
We invite you to submit papers to a special track titled: Making a Difference: Action Research and Engaged Scholarship in Projects and Innovation
Making a difference with action research and engaged scholarship in projects and innovations goes hand in hand with the overall EURAM 2018 theme ‘research in action’. Action research involves close cooperation between practitioners and researchers to bring about sustainable change. Engaged scholarship has a broader perspective as a participative form of research for obtaining different perspectives of key stakeholders in studying complex problems. Action research and engaged scholarship offer a grand opportunity to address key challenges in project management in a novel and constructive way. This track calls for papers involving action research, collaborative research, design research, co-creation of knowledge and beyond.
Full papers are due by Janury 10 2018
Contact one of us for more information:
Svejvig, Per,
Sankaran, Shankar,
Lindhult, Erik,
Flipped Classroom Delphi Study Participants Wanted
The following message is from Nathan Snyder. Please see message and links below.
Dear ARNA Community-
I am inviting you to participate in a Delphi study designed to identify the unique characteristics of the pedagogical method, flipped learning, from those who use it and advocate for its use, including secondary-level and college-level teachers. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to clarify what pedagogical attributes should be associated with flipped learning to coalesce educators’ understanding of its use. The goal of this effort is to operationalize what is meant by flipped learning and to identify its features, through analysis of experts’ opinions, that lead to successful implementation of its use in the classroom.
If you wish to be considered as a participant, please complete the brief demographic questionnaire located at:
Below, I’ve provided more details about the time commitment and scope of the study.
Thank you for your consideration,
Nathan Snyder
Fordham University
Educational Action Research Journal Makes Call for Special Issue Submissions
We have two exciting announcements regarding Special Issues:
First, the Editors of Educational Action Research Journal are calling for the submission of high quality manuscripts to be considered for publication in a Special Issue on Lesson Learning Studies.
Please find attached full details.
Please note:
Extended abstracts of approximately 1000 words are due on 24 October 2017.
Submit to:
Second, we are putting out a call for Special Issue on other topics. We are asking for proposals for Special Issues on a topic of the proposed editor's choice. If you would like to edit a Special Issue please email your proposal which needs to include: a CV of the editor, the proposed topic and suggestions for article topics and editors.
For the latest articles in Educational Action Research Journal see:
For guidelines on manuscript submission please see:
Thanks and best wishes
Melanie Russell-Smith
Journal Editorial Administrator
Educational Action Research
School of Education
University of Nottingham
A81, Dearing Building
Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB
+44 (0) 115 748 6245 |