Welcome to the ARNA Conference Proceedings page!

The ARNA Proceedings Editorial Team members are grateful to ARNA annual conference presenters for their interest in publishing their work in the Proceedings. The Proceedings are published in English and Spanish with additional languages as needed to adequately represent the author voice. The ARNA Proceedings Editorial Team’s work is inspired by our community of action researchers’ passion for action research; creativity; insightfulness; value of differences, diversity and dialogue; belief in change; dedication to building connections, and commitment to “creating the new architecture of knowledge”.

The Proceedings Editorial Team works in collaboration with members of the ARNA Coordinating Group and is guided by procedures reviewed and approved annually by the ARNA Coordinating Group.

The published ARNA Conference Proceedings include accepted abstracts of presentations and reviewed manuscripts submitted according to the Proceedings guidelines by practitioners and researchers.  All ARNA conference presentation categories (i.e., roundtable, poster, symposium, working group, workshop, paper presentations, and town hall meetings) of the preceding ARNA annual meeting are represented in the Proceedings. The Proceedings are also interested in including reviewed papers from other meetings sponsored by ARNA that present research and participatory action, such as ARNA ARC virtual sessions.

Submitted manuscripts are reviewed for content, for accessibility by an international audience, and for adherence to the ARNA Proceedings manuscript preparation guidelines. The ARNA Proceedings use a single blind peer review process. All authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication receive feedback about their submissions, through preliminary and secondary reviews conducted by members of the ARNA Proceedings Editorial Team and external reviewers, if needed. The published manuscripts reflect the original writing style of each author to honor author’s voice and expression as well as the unique contexts and settings represented in each author’s work.

Please find below the link to the Submission Guidelines and an opportunity to explore the Past Proceedings listed belowto know more about our work.


The ARNA Proceedings Editorial Team

Here are

We thank you for visiting!


Past Conference Proceedings

» Take me to all Proceedings!

2023 - Denver, Colorado, USA & Virtual Abstracts
2022 - Cedar City, Utah, USA
2021 - Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
2019 - Montreal, Québec, CAN
2018 - San Diego, California, USA
2017 - Cartagena, Colombia
2016 - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
2015 - Toronto, Ontario, CAN
2014 - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA

Submission Details

To review Proceedings Guidelines and Opportunities, please select the language desired and follow the links to submit an abstract.

The ARNA Proceedings Editorial Team

Lead Editor / Editora Principal:
Suzy Thomas Ph.D.
Milligan Cordova, Ph.D.

English Associate Editors, Editor Asociado de Inglés:
Ellen Marshall, Ph.D.
Javzandulam Batsaikhan, Ph.D.

Spanish Associate Editors, Editore Asociado Español:
Daniel Antonio Hernandez Linares, Ph.D. Doctoral Candidate.

Portuguese Associate Editors, Editore Associado Porguguêse:
Invitation extended as needed for review to Maria Assunção Flores, Convite estendido conforme necessário para revisão a Maria Assunção Flores.

French Associate Editor / Editeur Associé Français:
Invitation extended as needed for review, Invitation étendue au besoin pour examen.

Editorial Assistant / Asistente editorial
Ana Espinosa  |  



Common Questions

  • Does publishing in the ARNA Proceedings count as a publication?
Yes, it's a publication. It is not exactly the same kind of publication as a journal publication, and depending on the use of its placement in referenced publications, it may be viewed as less or even more important than a particular journal publication.. Some individuals use the term "conference paper" to refer to a paper they presented at a conference, which may not have been submitted and published in the proceedings. If there aren't a proceedings for the conference or if the published proceedings don't contain the manuscript of a presented paper, then it isn't published. The ARNA conference proceedings papers are the reviewed submitted selection of completed manuscripts of the presentations, annually published in the Proceedings.
  • Should I publish in the ARNA Proceedings?

Many researchers go on to publish the work that they presented at a conference in a journal publication. It is a useful route to take because conference attendees can comment on your presentation, ask questions and provide their input. The ARNA Proceedings often contain the first draft of a journal manuscript. Please remember that ARNA Proceedings contain the reviewed submitted complete presented conference papers and all conference presentation abstracts. The Proceedings can also include reviewed papers presented at other meetings, such as those sponsored by one or more of ARNA’s Action Research Communities.

  • What about submitting my published ARNA proceedings manuscript to a journal for publication?

Generally the scope for acceptance in a conference and journal are different. The general practice is to present the preliminary results of a study or activity at a conference. Since the content is presented in front of a knowledgeable crowd who are familiar with the subject, it is possible to receive input, invite discussion and after the conference, complete a manuscript in a more finished form. For example, based on comments it is possible to expand the concepts presented and submit a revised and enhanced presentation to a journal for consideration.

As an ethical consideration, once published in a journal your manuscript should not be published in a conference proceedings. Additionally, republishing in a journal exactly the same version as in the conference proceedings is not considered ethical.

The submission policy for previously published conference papers will be stated clearly onmost journal web pages within author instructions. Generally, a rule of thumb is that at least 30% of the material needs to be new and the exposition improved, moving from the publication in a conference proceedings to submission in a journal. So, in most fields,conference papers published in the ARNA Proceedings are viewed as preliminary results open for additional discussion and exposition and journal articles are viewed as finished research results.

  • Who would read my work published in the ARNA Proceedings?

My work is shared on the ARNA website under the Proceedings header as an annual peer-reviewed publication. The publication is provided on an open access basis to anyone visiting the ARNA website—not just ARNA members.

  • How do I reference my ARNA Proceedings publication?

Most scholarly work in education in the United States uses APA 7th edition format and style. The ARNA Proceedings format for manuscripts also uses this format. Here is an example of how to cite your work when published in the ARNA Proceedings.


Author, A. A. (Date). Title of Contribution [Type of contribution]. Proceedings Name, Location.  


 Autor, A. A. (Fecha). Título de la contribución [Tipo de contribución]. Procedimientos Nombre,

Ubicación. https://arnawebsite.org



Ruiz, M. (2021, June). Supporting parents of children with Down’s: A participatory research

Study [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2021 Virtual Action Research Network of the Americas

Annual Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. https://arnawebsite.org

Ruiz, M. (2021, junio). Apoyo a padres de niños con síndrome de Down:una investigación.

Estudio [presentación en papel].Actas de la Conferencia Anual de la Red Virtual de Investigación

Acción de las Américas 2021. Puerto Vallarta, México.